Recruitment Services
ALL Jobs Run On For 30 Days Visible To Everyone. We Have A Built-In Applicant Tracking System To Manage Resumes. You Can Take Advantage Of The Company Page To Display Your Logo, Images Of Products, And Tell Your Story. No Credit Card. Free!
Planning, Writing, Implementing campaign
✅ SEO & keyword optimization to maximize visibility and ranking on job listing result pages.
✅ Assistance Writing job descriptions and landing page ads, so they rank higher on job listings online.
✅ Targeted advertising campaign across 40+ sales job websites, career networks, social media, and industry blogs.
Planning, Writing, Implementing campaign
✅ SEO & keyword optimization to maximize visibility and ranking on job listing result pages.
✅ Assistance Writing job descriptions and landing page ads, so they rank higher on job listings online.
✅ Targeted advertising campaign across 40+ sales job websites, career networks, social media, and industry blogs.
Advance Advertising And Sourcing
✅ Sponsor The Job To Increase visibility and attract more qualified candidates on certain sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and more (as sponsored jobs).
✅ Custom Posting to add even more visibility to your job. (Additional cost will apply).
Planning, Writing, Implementing campaign
✅ SEO & keyword optimization to maximize visibility and ranking on job listing result pages.
✅ Assistance Writing job descriptions and landing page ads, so they rank higher on job listings online.
✅ Targeted advertising campaign across 40+ sales job websites, career networks, social media, and industry blogs.
Advance Advertising And Sourcing
✅ Sponsor The Job To Increase visibility and attract more qualified candidates on certain sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and more (as sponsored jobs).
✅ Custom Posting to add even more visibility to your job. (Additional cost will apply).
Screening And Initial Interviews
✅ We screen all your incoming applications to filter out unqualified candidates, saving you 25 hours of work reviewing resumes.
✅ Conduct phone Interviews to establish interest in the job and ability.
✅ Assistance Scheduling and managing your interviews with the candidates.
✅ Assess resumes and cover letters to understand the skills and abilities better.
✅ Conduct an investigation online to ensure the potential is a good citizen.
✅ Shortlist 5-7 candidates that rank the highest among the entire pool.
✅ Assistance Scheduling and managing your interviews with the candidates.
Custom Posting
#1 website for jobs of all kinds in the world. Overall, posting on Indeed can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts, helping you connect with the right talent quickly.
Recommend $250 budget.
Google Jobs
The #1 search engine in the world. Post jobs on Google Jobs for enhanced visibility, reaching a larger audience actively searching for opportunities.
Recommend $250 budget.
CareerBuilder + Monster
The best network to link to print and job boards. Post jobs on CareerBuilder to access a large talent pool and utilize advanced recruitment tools effectively. Monster and CareerBuilder have joined forces to offer joint venture.
Recommend $250 budget.